Apple cider vinegar is made from natural during chopping fresh apples and put them in barrels of wood until ferments, then distilling the juice is extracted from this output brewed.
Benefits of apple cider vinegar:
Apple cider vinegar is used in many medical and therapeutic purposes, including:
• the treatment of acne and signs of aging
Apple cider vinegar effective treatment to get rid of acne, where he works to kill the bacteria that cause these grains as well as regulate the level of acidity in the body, and the absorption of excess fat in the skin.
It also addresses the apple cider vinegar skin blemishes caused by aging because it contains sulfur, which resists the signs of aging.
• Treatment of cellulite
Apple cider vinegar is used to reduce the appearance of cellulite, which suffered most women-especially in the Arab homeland as a result of genetic factors, lack of exercise, obesity, and frequent pregnancies.
• Weight loss:
Apple cider vinegar is used in weight loss, where he works to speed up metabolism and burn fat.
• the treatment of halitosis
Apple cider vinegar is used in the treatment of bad breath due to the acidic properties, and by adding ½ teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to a cup of water and agitated well, then use a mix Kgergerh doses of the mouth for 10 seconds per dose until the end of quantity.
• get rid of the bad smell of sweat
Used apple cider vinegar also get rid of the smell of sweat foul, where he works to adjust the level of acidity in the body, which helps to get rid of the bacteria that cause the smell of sweat breath, and can use apple cider vinegar to get rid of the smell of sweat through the development of the quantity of it on a clean piece of cotton and wipe armpits every morning.
It is also used apple cider vinegar also to get rid of smelly feet by placing third cup of apple cider vinegar in a pot filled with warm water, and soak the feet in this water for a quarter of an hour, once a week.
• treatment of constipation
Apple cider vinegar is used in the treatment of constipation by increasing bowel movement because it contains pectin (pectin), which helps to improve digestion and regulate the level of acidity in the stomach.
No serious side effects vinegar apples if they are used at reasonable rates, but may lead Too much vinegar in general, and acids, including lemon juice is diluted to the decomposition layer Alaanaml that covers the teeth and protect them, which may cause yellowing and tooth sensitivity to heat and cold, so you should to use apple cider vinegar diluted with water or by adding a very small amount of baking soda to reduce the acidity level.
How to make apple cider vinegar natural home
1.tgusl the apples well and then dried from water ..
2.tqta fruit without peeling or removing the seeds to cut medium identical and placed in a vase of pottery or glass only.
3.aguety this vessel thoroughly with a clean cloth porous.
4.ihfez the pot in a warm place long period of time in the winter and fall short. In the summer, the process is due to the interaction of bacteria in the air.
5.bad complete the process be apple juice output has turned into apple cider vinegar and knows of the pungent smell and taste as well as stinging.
6.aakhz and drain well and kept in airtight bottles.