The sleep of the greatest blessings of God on us, where God made him comfortable for the human body, resting after the activity, and strength returned debilitating, and can not do without him, though thinner and longer by ensuring it worries and cares, and seek the treatment that restores him to sleep to enjoy Blzth, and slept with people who calm down at night in a deep slumber.
This sleep that people ask if his time came, and asked the owner is, whenever I feel tired, exhausting his strength as a result of continuous work, or an effort.
Before 14 centuries ago recommended the Holy Prophet peace be upon him sleep Muslims on the right side, and after 14 centuries or more appeared divine wisdom for this year and cleared the scientists demonstrated the many benefits of sleep on the right side.
The discovery came at the hands of British scientists and published in the largest British newspapers which is prevalent
"The Times" in the form of a lengthy report about the correct posture for the human sleep .. The paper said:
The researchers concluded that sleep on the right side following the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad is the correct position for sleep and this Unlike such popular "one sleeps on the side Elly relieve him" because sleep on the right side, according to the latest research in which his reign as the left lung is smaller than the right When sleeps rights for his part, the right heart is lighter load and the liver stable and non-hung, the stomach, they are lying on top of the liver with all comfort, which makes it easier in the process of digestion and discharge ranging from 2.5 to 4.5 hours and extends the benefits of sleeping on the right side as well as the trachea left as it is sleep better with this form of medical procedures that facilitate the function trachea in the speed of the disposal of mucous secretions ..
Yes, I was one of the great Prophet usually put his hand right under his right cheek,
Do you know why???
Scientists have proved that there is activity going on between the right palm and right side of the
Happens when the brain is any convergence between them as reported for the Great Prophet Muhammad
Him and his family leads him to make a series of vibrations through which brain dump
Shipments of excess and harmful, leading to relaxation appropriate for a perfect sleep!!!
Ya see, it is aware of our noble and great Muhammad peace be upon him and his family before
More than one thousand and four hundred years before being discovered by scientists in our century?
The harmful effects of sleep on the back:
- Cause oral breathing because the mouth is open when you lie down on your back to relax the jaw.
Breathing from the mouth to the large displays owner colds and cold in the winter, also cause dryness of the gums and then to inflammation xerotica, as it raises potential cases of hyper-artificiality or periodontal magnitude.
- In this situation also the palate and uvula oppose Furjan bluegill and hinders the airway Victher Algtit and snoring.
- Wakes breather from his mouth and his tongue coated with white unusual addition to bad breath.
- This situation is not suitable for the spine because it is not straight and either contain the Antinain cervical and lumbar.
- Lead in children to Tfltah head if accustomed for a long time.
The harmful effects of sleep on the left side:
- Then the heart is located under the pressure of the right lung, which is larger than the left, which affects the function and reduces its activity, especially in the elderly.
- Pressing full stomach it and so increase the pressure on the heart and liver.
- Remains the liver, which is the heaviest organ is fixed but hanging, and is located on the right side Fadguet on the heart and the stomach, delaying emptied.
- Experience has shown that conducted Galth and Putzeyh * The passage of food from the stomach into the intestines are in a period ranging from 2.5 to 4.5 hours if sleeping on the right side and not only in the 5 8 hours if it is on his left side .